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  • frame = if it equals 1, a frame is created. Default value: 1.
  • infobox = if it equals 1, the size is ideal for an infobox.
  • align = to align the map frame. Possible values: right, left or center. Default value: right.
  • caption = optional caption of the map (ignored if frame = 0 or if infobox = 1).
  • list = show a legend with the list of points. If it equals 1, a single column list is inserted; if equals 2, a two-columns list is inserted.
  • width = width of the map in px. Default value: 350 (260 if infobox = 1).
  • height = height of the map in px. Default value: 300 (260 if infobox = 1).
  • group = name (not numerical) to identify the map.
  • centre_lat, centre_lon = coordinates of the centre. If they are not omitted, the centre coordinates are calculated.
  • zoom = scale of the OSM map; the value is between 0 (world) e 18. For a single point the default value is 10 (13 if infobox = 1).
  • autozoom = if it equals y, the scale is calculated to show all points; if it equals n an automatic mapframe zoom is used. For a single point the default zoom value is 10. Default value: y.
  • color = default color for all points. Default value: #B80000.
  • symbol = default symbol for all points (see map below). Use -number to show numbers or -letter to show letters. Default value: -number.
  • lat1, lat2, ... = latitude
  • lon1, lon2, ... = longitude
  • color1, color2, ... = color
  • name1, name2, ... = name
  • desc1, desc2, ... = description with links and images.
  • symbol1, symbol2, ... = symbol (see map below). Use -number to show numbers or -letter to show letters. Default value: -number.
  • size1, size2, ... = size. Values: small, medium, large. Default value: medium.
  • data = GeoJSON data


تحميل الخريطة...
|caption = Map caption
|symbol1 = village
|lat1 = 41.740548
|lon1 = 12.233389
|name1 = Name
|group = a
تحميل الخريطة...
|lat1 = 43.786922
|lon1 = 12.077667
|name1 = Sorgente del [[Tevere]]
|symbol1 = museum
|lat2 = 41.740548
|lon2 = 12.233389
|name2 = Foce del [[Tevere]] a [[Roma]]
|color2 = #008000
|symbol2 = restaurant
|lat3 = 48.856667
|lon3 = 2.351944
|name3 = [[Parigi]]
|color3 = #0000b8
|symbol3 = library
|gruppo = b
تحميل الخريطة...
|group = esempio-elenco
|lat1 = 43.786922
|lon1 = 12.077667
|name1 = Point 1
|lat2 = 41.740548
|lon2 = 12.233389
|name2 = Point 2
|lat3 = 48.856667
|lon3 = 2.351944
|name3 = Point 3
تحميل الخريطة...
|caption = Louvre
|centre_lat = 48.8610
|centre_lon = 2.3359
|zoom = 15
|data = {
  "type": "ExternalData",
  "service": "geoshape",
  "ids": "Q19675"
تحميل الخريطة...
|caption = [[w:Autostrada A11 (Italy)|Autostrada A11 (Italy)]]
|width = 400
|centre_lat = 43.8187
|centre_lon = 10.7682
|zoom = 9
|data = {
  "type": "ExternalData",
  "service": "geoline",
  "ids": "Q781975",
  "properties": {
    "stroke": "#07852c",
    "stroke-width": 8

Map with available symbols

تحميل الخريطة...

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